Masquerade Interactive Event

Interactive Exhibition: Maquerade, Do-it-Yourself (Mask) Workspace
I have always been fascinated by Venetian masks. An essential component of the Carnival in Venice. Carnival started as a celebration where all social classes mingle. Your mask gave you the unique opportunity to remain anonymous and enjoy its benefits. The principle is very similar to the system of abstract social masks. Wearing them can hide oneself, blend in with a specific group or even scare others away. The Venetian masks were made by a special mask maker, a mascarieri, who studied your personality and determined your design with that information. I introduce the first do-it-yourself social mask workspace!

The setting of the workspace is simple and consists of 4 parts: (1) A interview asking 5 personality questions. (2) A beamer that displays a new piece of your mask on the wall after each question answered. (3) Your mask will be sent to the printer after answering all questions. (4) Finally, tools to make your social mask wearable.